was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 “Networks of Towns” Measure 2.3 “Civil Society Projects” Strand 1 – “European Rememberance“ |
Events: 5 events have been carried out within this project: Event 1 Participation: The event involved 107 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Dimitrovgrad (Bulgaria), 4 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Shkoder (Albania), 2 participants from the city of Lisbon (Portugal). Location / Dates: The event took place in Labin, Croatia, from 05/04/2022 to 07/04/2022 Short description: The aim of the event was to address the persecution of Jews during Fascism in Croatia, which was presented to citizens through the following activities: Introduction to the Europe for Citizens program and to PEOPLE project;Reading performance, picture exhibitions and presentation of the work done by youngsters in Labin through a dedicated video, showing the path of youngsters in the research and collection of testimonies, archives, pictures and related reflections;Presentation of the work done by each partner and the different topics/persecutions addressed in different countriesSide activities and roundtable aimed at reflecting about human rights and values with students and partner delegations, including a quiz game on the European Union addressed to citizensPress conference Event 2 Participation: The event involved 133 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Shkoder (Albania), 1 participant from the city of Lisbon (Portugal). Location / Dates: The event took place in Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria, from 10/05/2022 to 12/05/2022 Short description: The aim of the event was to discuss and present the persecution of intellectuals during the Communist regime in Bulgaria and this was done through the story of the Bulgarian poet Penyo Penev. During the three days of event the following activities were organized together with and addressed to citizens: Presentation of the short film, elaborated by the youngsters, about the research work done by youngsters;“The personal drama of Penyo Penev “– multimedia presentation and performance on the epistolary heritage of the Poet – reading performances.Presentation of the e-book “Distance interviews with the Poet”Project picture exhibition and presentation of the work by partnersScientific conference about relationships of the intellectuals with the authorities of the communist regime. Lectures, reports and speeches delivered by experts, researchers as follows: Svetoslav Draganov – Title: „Zdravko Dragnev Case and his shown and banned films“ Kin Stoyanov – Title: „The unknown and invisible price Radoy Ralin paid to be one of the few critical voices during the totalitarism” Prof. Plamen Doynov /video recorded/ -Title: „PErsonal stories Of discrimination and Persecution under the totaLitarian rEgimes of the XX century” Zhivka Shishkova – Title: „Penyo Penev Case“ Nikolina Umurska – Title: „1964 – How Drama Theatre Dimitrovgrad was closed – “Abel’s Mistake” Play“ Stefan Tsanev /video recorded/ – Title: „PErsonal stories Of discrimination and Persecution under the totaLitarian rEgimes of the XX century” Event 3 Participation: The event involved 80 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Lisbon (Portugal), 3 participants from the city of Dimitrovgrad (Bulgaria), 1 participant from the city of Labin (Croatia). Location / Dates: The event took place in Shkoder, Albania), from 21/06/2022 to 23/06/2022 Short description: The aim of the event was to address the religious discriminations during the Communist regime in Albania, through the work and research elaborated by youngsters of the Youth Center Atelier and University students. The event took place for three days and different activities were realized: Public readings acted by students, from speeches, poems and testimonies of religious exponentsRound table “History through generations”, discussion with students, partner delegations and stakeholdersProject picture exhibition presented by students and partners and presentation of videosVisit to the “Site of Witness and Memory”, to “Diocesan Museum” and Passage through the religious objects, churches and mosques using QR codes to see objects and buildings destroyed by the Communist regime. Event 4 Participation: The event involved 109 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Lisbon (Portugal), 2 participants from the city of Shkoder (Albania), 3 participants from the city of Labin (Croatia), 3 participants from the city of Dimitrovgrad (Bulgaria). Location / Dates: The event took place in Forlì, Italy, from 06/10/2022 to 08/10/2022 Short description: The aim of the event was to present and open up the discussion on the ethnical persecution and discrimination of minorities at the Italian Eastern border. The event was structured in order to involve and give space to students presenting their work and the theme addressed, as well as opening the debate with experts on discriminations of minorities today. With this aim, the following activities were organized: Heritage walk “Innovative digital tools to explore ATRIUM architectural heritage in Forlì” with debriefing discussion with students of the Classical High SchoolPress conferenceScientific conference “Youth, memories and rights: experiences and reflections to build a fair society” with many experts and professors talking about the challenges in the use of memories and remembrance in teaching, as well as a Round table discussing different kinds of minorities’ discriminations today (gender, job, migrants and asylum-seekers).Key notes “Non-democratic regimes and minorities: the case of Italy’s eastern border” by Prof. Enrico Miletto, University of Torino“The Campus of San Marco in Fossoli: the history of a camp for refugees from Istria” by Maria Luisa Molinari, Centro Studi FossoliPresentation of the results of the People project in Forlì at the Classical High School: short video, story tellig and posters designed and made by studentsTour of the photo exhibition “PEOPLE” Event 5 Participation: The event involved 123 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy), 3 participants from the city of Labin (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Shkoder (Albania), 3 participants from the city of Dimitrovgrad (Bulgaria). Location / Dates: The event took place in Lisbon/Marinha Grande, Portugal, from 27/10/2022 to 29/10/2022 Short description: The aim of the event was to face and discuss with citizens and youngsters especially the theme of the persecution of political opponents. The event saw the participation of youngsters from schools together with partners and former exiled people from Portugal that are now back in their country. Among the activities organized: Meeting on “Portugal entre Patrimónios”, networking perspectives with Culture and Tourism officer of the Municipality of Lisbon Visit to Aljube Museum Resistance and Freedom in LisbonMeeting with the Municipal Council of Marinha GrandePresentation of the partners’short videos and each respective topic addressed at Eng. Acácio Calazans Duarte Hight School in the Agrupamento de Escolas Marinha Grande PoenteRoundtable and free discussion with young students, teachers and living testimonies on the importance of historical memory to build a fair society and reflections on violation and respect of human rights nowadays Routes with history. Walking tour of historical and memory city places (public readings on political opponents, historical events and places)PEOPLE picture exhibition, Book presentation, round table with living testimonies, students, partner delegations and stakeholders at the Municipal Library in Marinha Grande and local initiatives (leisure time with “resistance” music, songs, theatre and poetry organised with the collaboration of the Associação Cultural e Recreativa da Comeira and Associação José Afonso, visit to Museu do Vidro). |
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